Pedaling hard to pay it forward!
After many years of being inspired by my brother Berrick (founder of the Chain Reaction Challenge Foundation), I have finally signed on to ride this year’s CR Womens 300 on the Gold Coast in November. I’m equal parts utterly terrified and totally pumped for the experience.It is going to mean a LOT of training and personal sacrifice but I am riding to support the outstanding work being delivered by our charity partners Traction and White Ribbon Australia and that’s what will keep me going as I grind over 100km and more than 2000m on the dreaded second day!
I am aiming to raise a minimum of $3000 for Traction and the White Ribbon Foundation. Traction delivers proven mentoring and training programs that change the trajectory of the lives of at-risk young people for the better.
White Ribbon Foundation delivers school based programs designed to promote respectful relationships and aims to build a culture of respect and equality for a better future.
Every dollar helps and all donations over $2 are tax deductible so please consider helping in whatever way you can.
I will be posting regular updates on the progress of our intrepid Victorian shield maidens as we keep riding through lockdown, so keep an eye out for those on my socials.
Thanks in advance, your support really means a lot.
My Updates

We have broken the back of it!
Last week we tackled some big hills (well they were definitely challenging for the majority of us). Somewhere on the way out to Woop Woop (possibly Warrandyte or what felt like Warburton) I made the silly mistake of saying how lucky it was that none of our team had been injured during our training program. Far from it, we were all getting stronger and faster week after week. Well that off the cuff remark must have annoyed the cycling gods and not a day later, I was laid up with a lower back problem!Having seen the physio yesterday and been told to rest, stretch and medicate I am using this time to book my bike in for a service and to marvel at how far our merry little band has come on this journey to date.
When we began, getting out of bed at 5am seemed hard, training in the cold and dark was foreign, hills were intimidating and speed sessions were tortuous. The past 10 weeks of early starts, Tabata, vo2 Max efforts, endurance and hill repeats have seen me going from a somewhat reluctant early riser to someone I hardly recognise. I now have my gear ready the night before so I can get out of the house quickly and quietly, I have worked out what nutrition works for me and my body, I have learned that hydration means drinking frequently and well before I feel thirsty and that hills, like fears, are there to be conquered.
With just over two weeks to go, I am amazed at the generosity of my donors - you have helped us to raise over $370,000 for Traction and White Ribbon Australia so thank you for getting on board.
Our goal is in sight, it’s just over the next hill, I promise!
Ride on…

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right?
Well a few weeks into our training with Dave McKenzie and both our timeclocks and our body clocks are beginning to adjust. For a recreational cyclist with the luxury of time, I must admit I have always been a ‘pro hours’, fair weather rider.Haha! Welcome to Chain Reaction training with Macca with a minimum of 3 and more likely 5 rides a week starting at 6.30am sharp. Melbourne weather has not been cooperative either dishing out some chilly, foggy and rainy mornings but we have mostly braved the elements in the name of progress and preparation. We have learned to wash our trusty steeds after each outing!
Our first velo session ended with some hill repeats that included a segment ominously called ‘Puke Ya Guts’.Thankfully I didn’t and we all made it up the hills without incident although I was definitely sucking in air by the top of repeat three.
We have discovered some interesting climbs off the Boulie and practiced tight cornering and descents at the Crit circuit which was fun. The Tour de Burbs session last Sat definitely tested my abilities on the hills around Alphington, Ivanhoe and Rosanna but I discovered that pre-emptive gear selection and grunting is the larger cyclist’s best friend. Well that and thinking about the coffee and team chat I will enjoy at the end!
Today we returned to the velodrome and those dreaded hill repeats but what do you know? When I checked my Strava feed there was incremental but definite improvement — PBs on all the hills!
I may be building from a low base but that doesn’t matter because I know that each km ridden, each metre climbed and each dollar raised is making a difference.
Which reminds me of the lyrics of a Daft Punk song….
Work it harder, make it better
Do it faster, makes us stronger
More than ever, hour after hour
Work is never over
Do it faster, makes us stronger
More than ever, hour after hour
Work is never over
Until next time!

Kindness like Covid, is contagious!
Earlier this week, my fundraising tally sat at just under half way to my $3,000 target so I decided to appeal directly to friends, family and colleagues to help build some momentum. I sent an email out letting you all know what Chain Reaction means to me and my family and why I am riding. I also let you know about our amazing charity partners Traction and White Ribbon Australia and what your donations will mean for kids they support.Your response has been nothing short of incredible! First one donation and then another and another until this evening, you guys helped my to exceed my original goal of $3,000! It truly was a chain reaction of caring.
Thank you!
The first donation was an act of kindness that inspired others to donate and we are now really on a roll! So here’s the thing, just as I climb a challenging hill in training and then prepare to conquer another even higher one, I am going to increase my target to $4,000 and see where this lands come December 5.
Onwards and upwards!
PS if you haven't yet donated and would like to jump on board the kindness train, you can do so here.

Numbers are up but so is my motivation!

On the bright side though Spring is here and we have had a taste of the warmth and sunshine Mother Nature plans to deliver in the coming weeks. Team Vic has organised a few Sunday sessions on Zwift for those with trainers and other ladies have met up for up to 2 hour IRL rides either along the bay or around Albert Park.
It was so great to finally get outside and give the new training kits a spin this week. In more good news I was thrilled to receive a donation from a lovely lady in Gippsland who sent me a cheque to go towards my fundraising target. I am almost halfway there!
Last night, we received our training manuals from Dave (Macca) McKenzie which provided some suggested routes/strategies for those of us training whilst still in lockdown. The key, as with most things in life, will be flexibility, consistency and persistence.
We have got this!