My Updates

2022 Tasmania raising money for kids in need

My first Chain Reaction ride was last year from Coffs Harbour to Sydney. I had only just joined KordaMentha, one of Chain Reaction's biggest supporters, and wasn't sure what I was getting in to. When we finished, it was the first event that I didn't immediately say "I am never doing this again", in fact I really missed it.
I missed the camaraderie on the road, the chat at the end of the day, but more importantly the stories and examples of why we were there. Hearing from Berrick about his personal story in starting the event to help children like Milla, to some of the other riders who had also been impacted in a similar way and wanted to do something to repay their luck and contribute to others. It was and is really powerful.
So please support this great cause, and with any luck I will do slightly more training than last year.