Day six of seven. Up before daylight, and on our saddles before the sun had risen. Collectively pedaling to maintain momentum on our three big goals: (1) to make a meaningful difference in the lives of kids in need, (2) to cycle 1,000km of Victoria’s finest countryside, and (3) to enjoy the amazing company of others who share the same commitment and purpose to this annual adventure.

Setting off with determination, we started today's adventure by conquering a 35-kilometer stretch of Barwon’s finest, before embracing the opportunity to catch the ferry across the bay. The crisp sea breeze invigorated our spirits as we prepared to face our primary adversary of today’s ride: Arthurs Seat.

With grit and determination, each member of our team rose to the challenge, conquering its 314m height (or in cyclist-speak, 7.8% gradient over 3km) with an unwavering determination. The sense of accomplishment at the summit was palpable, a testament to our collective strength and resilience, both for ourselves, and for those that we have been fundraising for.

Lunchtime in Mornington provided a well-deserved respite, fueling our bodies and spirits for the final 60km yet to come. As the afternoon sun cast its golden glow upon us, we were grateful for the gentle tailwind, propelling us forward with ease. Along Melbourne’s beloved Beach Road, renowned among cyclists for its scenic beauty and generally smooth road, we relished in the joy of the journey, each pedal stroke bringing us closer to our goals.

With hearts full and legs weary, we concluded another extraordinary day. With every kilometer conquered and every challenge faced, we are reminded of the power of community, determination, and compassion in effecting positive change in the world.
Distance: 172Km (Inc. ferry😊)
Elevation: 1,016M
Avg Speed: 27. 6 Km/h