With late night assurances of no rain from the local farmers in The White Pub, we set off for our destination of Haast aiming to arrive before lunch and avoid any downpours.

We cruised at a brisk pace through the first 70kms, with a chance to stretch the legs on some rolling hills. The only challenge was the lifeless local wildlife keeping the peloton on it’s toes.
A fun descent down into Bruce Bay for a quick break with amazing ocean views before we continued on. Those who arrived early enough made sure the coffee van was kept busy, and for everyone else snacks and delightful views by the Tasman Sea to freshen up.

Here was another chance for the flat track bullies to put their Beach Road training into practice, before a tough climb into the Night Point rest stop. At the edge of this craggy coastline, with forest clinging to rock face we enjoyed another short but incredibly scenic turnaround.

After a tough final climb we crossed over Ship Creek, with more than just a few in need of a paddle. Fortunately it was downhill skiing from this point, and we rolled into Haast in time for lunch, a cool drink and a relaxing massage. Another amazing day, seamlessly delivered by the highly efficient Chain Reaction team. A slightly easier day, with two big days on the horizon and hopefully not too much wet weather.

Photos from the day: CLICK HERE
Daily Video Highlights: CLICK HERE