Raising Much needed funds for a worthy cause


Thank You To My Donors





Ansell Strategic Pty Ltd

Great cause Team BaptistCare - ride on! Amber and Cam


Estate Master Pty Ltd


Flow Power

Well done on the awesome achievement, Tom! A great cause that Flow Power is glad to support.


Andrew Fressl

Good luck Tom, Charles and the rest of the team!


Thomson Geer

Good luck Thomas!



Fantastic effort Thomas and team - all for a great cause


Jana And Greg Griffiths


Rob Ellis

Go well Thomas!


Stephen Isaac

Good luck Thomas - it's a great cause


Shane Nicholson

All the best with the ride Thomas and team! Great cause!


Tony R

Best of luck, Tom. Give it your best shot in cool VIC.


Louise Johnston

Hope you survived the heatwave! Congrats on another marathon effort.


Nicole Ebejer

Good luck!!


Gus & Lou X

Go Tom! Great cause
