Help me support kids in need

Hi Everyone,

In 4 weeks (March 2), I’ll be riding in the 2024 Chain Reaction Challenge. 7 days of riding, 1000kms in total - taking me from Melbourne, out over the Grampians, along the Great Ocean Road and back to Melbourne via the Peninsula and the Dandenong’s. I’ve done a similar charity ride 5 years back – not quite as long, our daily kilometres are 140 – 174kms, which is epic to say the least.

It’s a daunting goal, but one I am doing for two reasons. Firstly, it raises money for the organisation I have begun working for. BaptistCare runs a community service, social housing arm called Hopestreet. It has centres across NSW supporting children living with disadvantage and distress in some of the most vulnerable communities in Australia.

I believe people are doing it really tough at the moment, especially young people living on the street and women & kids fleeing domestic violence. Donations from this year's challenge will sustain vital family services for them. It will also support things like the school breakfast club and safe and affordable housing, ensuring vulnerable children's safety, well-being, and helping brighten their future.

The second reason I’m riding is that I want to challenge myself in my 50th year. I love the social aspect of riding, and the people I’ll be riding with all want to make a difference – they genuinely all have the biggest hearts, fundraising hundreds of thousands of dollars for the incredible work and resources that wouldn’t be possible any other way.

I hope to survive it ? and make a real difference, helping to fund greatly needed local services. I ask for your support and any donation big or small. By supporting me in this challenge, you'll be helping us make a real difference in the lives of these children. Don’t forget it’s a tax-deductible donation, so please if your work would also like to donate, forward them the link!

My Activity Tracking


My target 0kms

My Updates

1 week to go!

This is how you get through training. Check out the picture and you'll see smiling faces and comradery. This is coffee after 125kms and over 30 degree heat. Hours in the saddle but in the end, relief to be finished, to have enjoyed the climbs and the incredible scenery through the northern parts of the Kuringgai and Brisbane Water National Park. The cicadas singing and the lush rainforest before the heat of the rode on the Pacific Highway on the way home. 
One week to go. Wow, one week to go! This time next week will be Day 1 - Melbourne to Ballarat and we will be on our way.
See you in a week supporters!

2 weeks to go!

2 weeks to go and the nerves are setting in! Can I do this? Yes of course I can. Can I keep up with all these other amazing cyclists, hmmm we will see! Everyone I've been training with has been wonderful and supportive and it has pushed those nerves away momentarily.
So, 2 weeks out and the 4 mornings a week of 4:30am starts have been a bit brutal on the old body clock. I'm not naturally an early morning riser, so it takes a bit to get me going. Coffee is the key first up! The legs are slowly getting there. The eastern suburbs hills have helped, let's see how they stack up to the Grampians! I can't wait to ride the route; it will be spectacular and ideally distracting from the exhaustion in my legs ;)
Finally, I am so excited that I have reached my minimum fundraising target. With everyone's generous support we have secured these funds to support Hopestreet kids. Thank you to everyone who donated! If I can keep going and raise over and above this target it will mean a really solid foundation of funds for the incredible services and housing they provide.
Here's a photo of our training ride through Galston Gorge and Brooklyn the other weekend. See everyone's still smiling at this point! Happy riding!!

Life is short, make it matter

We make decisions every day, every hour, every second and these decisions become our way of life.

They either empower us and others to lead greater more purposeful lives or they diminish and waste time, focussing on things and actions that go nowhere and feel hollow.

With the time I have I want to do three simple things, challenge myself, help people and have fun.

It’s a common theme amongst the people I work with and also amongst the people that are meaningful in my life. A shared understanding that when you can you help those in need; where you can you are generous of spirit, with your time, your energy, and your ability to listen.

This opportunity to ride in the Chain Reaction is another way I can support this philosophy. I love riding, it’s a massive challenge - as I’m a social rider at best, and the fundraising and awareness we provide whilst training and doing it will aid young families fleeing unsafe environments like domestic violence. It’s a massive issue in our society, here in Australia, locally, even in your neighbourhood. Heartbreakingly it’s much more prevalent than you would ever imagine.

This year I’m looking for donation support for our major charity partner, BaptistCare Hope Street.

Enjoy following my blog of each training ride and the blood, sweat and tears (yes there may be a few of those along the way from exhaustion!). Come along for the ride as I head off on 7 days, 1000kms of Victorian countryside, from Ballarat to the Great Ocean Road and back to Melbourne. It is going to be Epic!

We are on the countdown now for the last 5 weeks before the ride. I look forward to your company, you’ll find me on LinkedIn, Instagram (handle to come) and email.

Thank You To My Donors

Rob Dunn

Go Sam!


Sam May

Get it done Sam!!




Susan Hall

So proud of you Sami and such a worthy cause.


Good Luck!


Anna - Baptistcare Board

Thanks so much Sam for supporting BaptistCare Hope Street! We're praying the team on for every cm of the journey.


Emma Reid

Go Sammy!!!!


Jonathan Samway


Jana And Greg Griffths

Hi Samantha thank you what you are doing for Hopestreet,it is so precious.Thank you for being inspiring.Have an amazing birthday.


Fiona Roberts

Good luck Sami! xx


Simon & Carol Bloomfield

Happy Birthday Sam! Super proud of this effort - good luck


Adam Duncombe


Gini Hole


Sally Noblet And Family

Love ya work Sam! Xx


Liz Bree

Go Sam!


Benjamin Galea

Sam, you're an absolute legend. Thanks for flying the flag for people who need support through HopeStreet. All the best on the ride!!



So proud of your efforts Sam. X


Guy Sawrey-cookson

You’re incredible!


Cheryl Cain

Go Girl!!x



You got this!!! 🙌🙌


Lisa Spencer

Proud of you 💕


Kylie Hood


Declan Roche

Go Sam! - what an amazing way to raise money and celebrate your 50th!



Good stuff!



Go Sam. We'll be thinking of you. Inspiring. Best wishes from Emily and Roberto.


Liz Db

Hi Sam, You got this! Eyes forward, keep moving, remember to breathe 😊 Can’t wait to see you nail it. Liz xx


Karen Cranswick

Great cause. All the best, Sam xx


Daniel Pettman

Good luck with it Sam!



Tina that! You’re brilliant Sam! This is so impressive and heart warming x AMAZING x


Kate Cruickshank

Proud of you and the reason you’re riding - such a worthy cause ♥️


Priscilla Boswell

What you are doing is huge and I'm so impressed and proud to know you. Hope the ride goes smoothly for you and the team.xx


Tara Bonitz

Thank you for your comment. Good luck and take care


Brian Corben


Todd Spry

Good luck Sam


Netty Hunter

You’re amazing!



You’re the best Sam!!


Tim Hannah

Go Sammy!! You're amazing!! x


Pete Dowson

Happy birthday Sam - and ride well!


Ros Layton


Tom Birch

Good on you Sam, best of luck with the ride!



You’re amazing Sam!! I hope It goes really well, what a star!


Robyn Evans

Well done Sam! Thank you for being committed to the cause.



Go Sam and Happy BIG Birthday


Michael Frost



Great goal, Sam! Hope this little bit helps …inspiring stuff …happy birthday 🥳


Gavain Browne


Matthew Keating

Good luck Sam! You've got his!


Kate D

Onya Sam! brilliant work. love you xkate


Celia Boden

Go Sam!


Flavia De Oliveira

You rock, Sam, such a great cause! Best of luck with your ride



Wish I could join you, especially on my old Hercules Jeep (bicycle), that I built from scratch in 1949. My father was a bicycle racer, he would only let me have a Bike if I could reassemble it from the 'bottom bracket to headstock. Anthony (and yes the individual ball bearings)
