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New kit day!

Very pleased to don the new CR training kit, take it for a spin and start the journey to raise funds for such incredible charities as Starlight and Monash Children's Hospital - along side my team mates @ Marshall White

Thank You To My Donors

Paul Mogford


The Mcmahons Team


James Hines

Ride well Moggy


Matt Dalling

Load up on the chamois cream buddy.


Moulin Rouge Fan Club

You can can for the cancan


Kyp Bosci

Enjoy Moggy


Chris And Denis Mcconnell

Go for it Paul. Good cause to support.


Sam Grindal

Such a great cause. Go well, Moggy.


Rod Binedell

What an awesome challenge - enjoy mate



Good luck moggy. Ride ‘‘em off your wheel like a Belgian pro…


Mcconnell Rocco

Good luck!


Shane Newman - Sjm Turf And Civil Pty Ltd

All the very best Paul and stay safe Cheers, Shane Newman SJM Turf and Civil


Uls Group


Gus & Lizzie Johnson

Good luck Moggy


James Bruce


Soren Inglis


Stuart Weir

Have fun Moggy - you guys will kill it.


Jan Mogford


David Cohen


Booth Family

Amazing effort for a good cause Paul. Well done!!


Fraser Wilkinson

So good Moggy, great cause!


Nick Hoare



Eat lots of bacon for us fat men!!


Mark Leng

good luck mate!!!


Peter Paccagnan


Toro Australia Pty Ltd


Glenn Hay

Amazing thing to do Paul, well done!


Jie Ma

What a great cause, Go Paul!


Katheirne Murray

Go Paul!


Claudette Leeming

God’s speed to you - although perhaps not relevant for an endurance event 😂




Hayley Farrell

Good luck Paul!


Reg Holloway

Best of luck Paul. A worthy cause.


Michael Henderson

Great work Moggy!



Good luck Paul!


Nick Dodwell

All the best mate


Kate Jarrett

Dont forget to take in the scenery!


Will Kennedy

You can do it!!!!



Go Moggy!


My Fellow Team Members