Help me support kids in need

I am returning for the Chain Reaction Challenge after a few years break to give back yet again to the community and to support kids in need. I appreciate your support of me and the cause!
The decision to ride again is a big commitment involving getting fit enough to attempt the ride, raising money to support kids in need and securing the understanding of my family to spend time away from the house, training as well as undertaking the challenging ride. 
Please support in whatever way you can.   

My Updates

First Training Ride!

Great to be able to participate in the first training ride with new training kit, meet some returning riders and some new riders that will be coming together to help each other get this challenge done!

Thank You To My Donors

Steve Appleby

Great cause Kriston and another amazing effort by you and the team. All the best from IIMBE.





Great work Kriston


Jesse Brooke


Sarah Sheppard

Best of luck Kriston!!


Peter Chilman

Better you than me pushing those pedals


Colette Munro

All the best for this ride Kriston - QLD not bad that time of year :-)


Paul Yerondais

Well done Kriston - another wonderful cause you are supporting. Ride well…


Marina Burneska

Great Cause. Well done Kris!


Brock Simon

Great to support you Kriston.


Jude Tsai

Good luck Kriston!


Phil Gardiner

Great cause. Pedal hard


Hollerich Town Planning Pty Ltd


James Wilson

Happy riding Kris.


Tom Clarke

Go Kris - hope the winds are favourable, for a change...!


Tam Nguyen And Mat King

Good on you Kriston, enjoy x


Matthew Ireland

Amazing effort just to start this mate! Can’t wait to see how you go and look forward to the updates!


Victor Istanto

Such a great cause!


Geoff Croker

Well done!


Nick Williams


Peter Cash


Roger Strong

Hope the ride goes well Kriston


Matthew Smith

Nice one Kris! Big effort for a great cause.


Fiona Jefferies Diva Works

Go well Kris! Pedal hard and I recommend some Rage Against the Machine for training tunes


John Cox

Best of luck Kriston!🚴


Alex Radloff

Good luck.


Belinda Coates

Great cause! Good luck




Simon Corden

Great work Kris!



Good luck


Andrew Tsakmakis

Go Kris!


Michael Kanizay

Great work Kris. Enjoy the ride.


Michael Edwards

Great initiative and big effort Kriston!


Mark A

You legend. Go Kris!


Caroline Miller

Just Keep peddling’ - stay hydrated and take in the scenery along the way! Look out for the newbies and remember you’re doing it for a great cause.


Richard Salter

Great work as always Kris


Johanna Trickett

Safe riding Kris, looking forward to hearing about the journey!


Justine Paragreen

Great cause Kriston - best of luck!


Aiden Heke

Well done!


Chris Reynolds

May your inclines be gentle and your descents relaxing!


Catford-gibbs Family

Good luck Kriston! What a great cause. The world needs more bike riding engineers!


Andrew Wong

Good Luck Kriston!


Shelley Pirakis



Catherine Redden

Well done Kriston!


Will Green

Best of luck on the ride Kriston.


Anita Hugo

Have a great ride K, it's an awesome cause!


Ben Geyer

Make sure you have a Chu-Hi ready at the finish line!


Jack Kerlin

Go well and safe Kriston. Great work to you and the team.


Wayne Lobo

Nice work Kriston!


Jane Simon

Good luck Kriston!





Robert Buck

Go for it Kriston. Although this is just like a walk in the park for you!


Layla S

All the best for it.. enjoy the training!


Nish & Craig Langford

Good Luck Kriston!


Marc Colella

Good luck Kris!!


Craig Langford

Good luck , great cause!


Maria Panagiotidou

All the best!


Nicole Ward

Amazing effort - good luck Kriston


Susi Duncan

Fantastic cause…thank you Kristen.


Gay Chilman

Go Kriston


Brendon Mcniven

Good on you Kristen! Looking forward to seeing a few photos...


Andrew Reynolds

Good luck


Frank Martinez

Well done Kriston. All the best.


Richenda Peace

Happy Cycling!!


Faye Waddington
