Help me support kids in need

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For Love of Kids

When I think about the reasons I decided to take on the Chain Reaction challenge, there are a few things which jump right to mind: 

1. For the kids. How could the children and families for whom we are raising money not be the main game? 
2. For the chance to represent women in all of our strength and determination. As a mother, there is nothing more daunting than seeing your child face a challenging diagnosis. I ride for every mom who has to find her own strength to support her child. 
3. For the absolute privilege of being able bodied and able to push myself well beyond what I have ever imagined I could accomplish on a bike. 

Those who have known me since I was young know that I have a very special friend, someone who spent large parts of her childhood in hospitals, and with whom I formed a deep bond throughout this time and beyond. She will celebrate a birthday while we are riding, I will dedicate the kilometers to her. 

So for every young person who needs support while they fight illness that strikes so indiscriminately, I hope you will support me putting my body on the line to raise funds to support Aussie children and families at their time of need. 

Thank You To My Donors

Ben Tulloch

Have a great week on wheels. Keep smiling no matter what! Look forward to hearing about the challenge when you get back


Rob Bollo


Laura V

Congrats, Kelly!


Mark Drasutis

Epic work Kelly & good luck


Nhung Mason

You will breeze through it!!


Carlos Cruz-abrams

Hi Kelly!


Tim Broome

Go Kelly


Heidi & Patrick Miller

Go Kelly!!! We love you and this challenge and fundraiser is awesome.


Nigel Knight

What a fantastic initiative Kelly - good luck with the ride!



We love you and think you are amazing!



Good luck!


Manon Bosma

Good luck Kelly and team!


Rohan C

Amazing Kelly…. You will smash those hills


Michael Henry

Kelly remember it’s all about you #ridelikeagirl


Nigel Dalton

Great cause, hope you get great weather for the epic ride.


Michael Coward

Push yourself and have a blast - all in the name of a great cause!


Andrew Wegener Consulting

Well done Kelly. I know you will have an awesome experience.


Saurabh Mathur

Good luck. This is an awesome cause


Paul Stevenson

You go girl,proud of you !!


Patrice Den Hartog

Great cause - success Kelly!


Colin Jowell

Go Strong!


Sally Coldrick

Kelly, You’re an inspiration! How many snakes 🐍 are you packing?!


Gaelle Beltran-gremaud

Congratulations Kelly!


Elena Shpak

Good luck 🙌


Alasdair Gordon


H & G

Awesome work Kelly you’ve put in the work now enjoy the ride 🤩


Jeremy Lindeyer

Best wishes for your fantastic journey!


Romain Groleau

Great cause, awesome challenge, all the best Kelly


Kelly Brough


Matthew Zwier


Brian Barry

Good Luck Kelly,


Vijay Menon

All the very best Kelly ! I am sure you will make it through the 7 days of riding.


Kate Maher

Fantastic effort for a great cause, Kelly!


Stephen Foxworthy

Good luck!


Erin Scarrow

Best wishes Kelly.


Chiu Wei Ho

Go Kelly! Such an amazing thing to do.


Big Muppett

U R A LEGEND!! Because you can when others can't


Rajan Roy

Great cause , good luck Kelly


Cindy Kloeti
