Help me support kids in need

Help me support kids in need

I have taken up this extraordinary challenge with Chain Reaction to make a difference and help raise funds for two incredible children's charities – So they Can and BaptistCare Hopestreet!

We have the opportunity to come together to raise much needed funds to break the poverty cycle in East Africa through better education and wellbeing for children, particularly focused on young females, and the communities in which they live in conjunction with Major Charity Partner and to help children here in Australia through Baptist Care's Hope Street to escape the negative and unsafe environment created due to domestic violence.

You too can make a difference by supporting me by making a generous donation and help raise funds for these two incredible charities. Your donation will also help us reach and/or exceed our target of raising over $1.0m for these very deserving Charity Partners!

My Activity Tracking


My target 1000kms

Thank You To My Donors

John Batchelor


Mark Dewar

Show these old guys a thing or two GT….


George Tansley

Entering my MAMIL Era


Ross Blakeley

Great cause. Go George!


Miles Scotson


Dawna Wright

Glad it’s you and not me!


Christopher Hill


David Mcgrath


Jess Jedynak


Nick Garbas

Don't forget the cliff bars you melon.



On ya George


Josie Britten-jones

Good luck George! xx


Will Fairbairn


Matthew Chivers

Good onya mate!


Joseph Hansell

Great work GT.


James Mazzone


Joshua Furman

Great work GT


Rosie Leake

Good Luck GT!


Peter Davison

Good to see you back on the bike George


Tim Rogers

Go go get 'em GT


Luke Davison

Best of luck GT. Great cause


Paul Harlond


Andre Mcpherson

Best of luck mate!


Claire Watson

Glad to be witnessing the comeback. Good luck GT!


Matthew Scott

Great man, great cause!


Kate Fairhurst

Enjoy the scenery on your ride.


Chris Summerfield

Good luck.


Tracey Rumbold

Well done George this is a huge challenge. All the very best. Regards Tracey Rumbold


Scott Foster

Thank you George for your dedication to such a worthy cause. Scott


Alyse Kent

Goodluck George!


Rich Batten

Good luck GT


Simon Li

Awesome effort!


Jaymee Greenway



Ride on Ginger Wolf!!


Geoff Peck


Billson Aitken


Tish Custance-thurston

Well done, George! An important cause to support!


Grace Tupe

You got this George!


Kassy Ryan

Good Luck!!




Erin Millard


Janine Wigham

Good luck George!


Morgano Crantock

Best of Luck King! Great Cause
